Beginner Student
Zoom Class @5:30pm on M-Th
Join Zoom Meeting: https://zoom.us/j/694370325?pwd=NGYwUnA1TktoR3EreG8vcHFTcDJ2QT09
Meeting ID: 694 370 325
Password: (has been emailed out)
White Belt Form (Songahm 1) > PDF, Video; White Belt One Steps > PDF, Video
Orange Belt Form (Songahm 2) > PDF, Video; Orange Belt One Steps > PDF, Video
Yellow Belt Form (Songahm 3) > PDF, Video; Yellow Belt One Steps > PDF, Video
Intermediate Student
Leadership Student
Zoom Class @6:50pm on M-Th
Join Zoom Meeting: https://zoom.us/j/866745607?pwd=WCtyLzlTQzRSQXhJSi9PZk5naGVjUT09
Meeting ID: 866 745 607
Password: (has been emailed out)
Advanced Student / Black Belt Student
Zoom Class @7:15pm on M-Th
Join Zoom Meeting: https://zoom.us/j/695277032?pwd=aVRFZEZyMHkwS1AzZkI0MDd6Mks5dz09
Meeting ID: 695 277 032
Password: (has been emailed out)
Blue Belt Form (In Wha 2) > PDF, Video
Brown Belt Form (Choong Jung 1) > PDF, Video *note: move correction on video
Red Belt Form (Choong Jung 2) > PDF, Video
First Degree Black Belt Form > PDF
Second Degree Black Belt Form > PDF
Third Degree Black Belt Form > PDF
Fourth Degree Black Belt Form > PDF
Fifth Degree Black Belt Form > PDF
Adult Student
Zoom Class @7:55pm on M-Th
Join Zoom Meeting: https://zoom.us/j/701627325?pwd=bnVzWml1VFJBKzVnS1ArVm43Ujl1dz09
Meeting ID: 701 627 325
Password: (has been emailed out)
ATA Tiger Oath > PDF
Songahm Spirit of Taekwondo > PDF
Star Reward Program Sheet > PDF
To Do List > PDF
Sample Pictures of Uniforms w/Patches > PDF
Discipline Life-Skill > PDF
Belief Life-Skill > PDF
Communication Life-Skill > PDF
Respect Life-Skill > PDF
Self-Esteem Life-Skill > PDF
Honesty Life-Skill > PDF
1. Bow In
2. Life-Skill 1 > wk7, wk6, wk5, wk4, wk3, wk2
3. Warm Up > Stretches (Optional) / Warm-Up
4. Basics
-Beginners: Blocks, Kicks, Knifehand Strike
-Intermediate: Blocks, Side Kicks, Kick Combo
-Blue: Hand Moves (from 1st 1/2, back 1/2), Kicks, Knee Strike (from back 1/2)
-Red: Kick Combo
-1st Degrees
-All Black Belts & Leadership Students: Round Kicks, Side Kicks
5. Form (note: we only require 1/2 the form; PDFs can be found below)
-Beg = White Belt Form (mirror image segments: #1, #2, #3, #4)
-Int = Camo Belt Form (mirror image segments: #1, #2, #3, #4)
-Adv = Blue Belt Form (mirror image segments: #1, #2, #3 [note: yell should be on twin upset punch], #4) / (or Red)
6. Life-Skill 2 > wk7, wk6, wk5, wk4, wk3, wk2
7. Weapons
-Combos: #1, #2
-Advanced/Adult Class Challenge Moves:
-Horizontal 360
8. Self-Defense
-Beg: wk7-9, wk5&6, wk 2-4
-Int: wk7-9, wk 5&6, wk 3&4, wk2
-Adv: wk7-9, wk5&6, wk4, wk 2&3
-Adult: wk7-9, wk7-9, wk5&6, wk4, wk 2&3
9. Warrior Combos/Sparring Cambos (wc links: 1-4, 5&6, 7&8, 9&10; sc links: 1 & 2)
-Beg: wk5-7 (wc #1-4) / wk 3&4 (wc #1-3) / wk 2 (wc #1&2)
-Int: wk7 (wc #1-4 & 7-8) / wk6 (wc #7&8) / wk5 (sc #2) / wk4 (wc #1-4) / wk3 (sc #1) / wk2 (wc #1-4)
-Adv: wk7 (wc#1-8) / wk6 (wc #7&8) / wk5 (sc #2) / wk4 (wc #1-6) / wk3 (sc #1) / wk2 (wc #1-4)
-Adult: wk6&7 (wc #1-10) / wk5 (sc #2) / wk4 (wc #1-8) / wk3 (sc #1) / wk2 (wc #1-4)
10. Boards > If your child has a board, you can hold for them. Otherwise, you can get creative..break a small strip of paper.
10. Life-Skill 3 > wk7, wk6, wk5, wk4, wk3, wk2
11. Bow Out (Stretches & Discipline Challenge) > Look at list of activities on the weekly Discipline Challenge!
Complete form below each Friday night.
Want to win a free Gold Star shirt, as well as a chance to win a free private lesson?! Here's how it works.
1. Each week, see how many of these activities you can complete.
2. Complete the form below by Friday night each week. (Question #1 will be answered "None", or "Twice", "Three or More". You will answer "Yes" or "No" to each of the other questions based on whether or not the student completed the listed activity. )
3. We'll keep track of your points. If you earn at least 75% of the maximum number of points, you will received a free Gold Star shirt. And at the end of the month, the top 2 students from each location with the most points wins a free 30-minute private lesson.

ATA Tigers (4-5 Years)

Gold Star Martial Arts offers the ATA TIgers Program, which teaches kids ages 4-5 basic life skills and fundamental motor skills through martial arts techniques in a fun and exciting environment. This is also an interactive parent class, where the child can bond with his/her parent through board breaking, practicing techniques, and more. The program includes a cast of characters who represent each belt rank and teach important life skills in the ATA Tigers Book Series.
Fit Defense

Gold Star’s Fit Defense class is taught by certified martial arts instructors. Fit Defense is a unique blend of practical Self Defense techniques and HIIT Fitness Training. Classes are fun, upbeat, interactive and designed with variety to challenge any fitness level. It’s like no other workout you have tried! Empower yourself today! You don’t have to be great to start. But you have to start to be great!
Mr. Avram Wunderlich
2nd Degree Black Belt
Trainee Instructor
National Tournament Judge
Legacy Team Member
Team Velocity Member
Achievements & Awards:
3x Nebraska State Champion
2x Great Plains District Champion
Hobby: taekwondo
Fun Fact: I can solve a Rubik's cube in under 45 seconds.

Mr. Chris Waldron
1st Degree Black Belt
Trainee Instructor
Legacy Team Member
Team Velocity Member
Achievements & Awards:
2x Nebraska State Champion
Hobbies: running, reading, painting, & going on motorcycle rides
Fun Fact: I placed 3rd in a male beauty pageant in college.

Master Nominee Jack Cochnar
6th Degree Black Belt
Nationally Certified Instructor
Protech Certified Instructor
National Tournament Judge
Owner of Gold Star Martial Arts
Chief Instructor, Gold Star Martial Arts - Crete
ATA Legacy Facilitator, Gold Star Martial Arts
Executive Director of the Crete Chamber of Commerce
ATA Leadership
ATA Legacy
ATA Tai Chi Level 1 & 2
ATA Tigers
ATA’s Bully Prevention Program
ATA’s Train the Trainer
Gum Do Weapon Level 1 & 2
Jee Pong Ee Weapon
Mid-range & Long-range Jahng Bong Weapon
Oh Sung Do Weapon Level 1 & 2
Safety N.E.T. (No Easy Target) Kids
Sam Dan Bong Weapon
Sexual Harassment & Rape Prevention
Single & Double Combat Weapons Sparring
Single & Double Bahng Mahng Ee Weapon
Single & Double Ssahng Jeol Bong Weapon
Warrior X-Fit Kickboxing
Achievements & Awards:
National Award for Leadership Members
Regional Award for Demonstration Team Recognition
Certificate of Appreciation - 2011 Worlds Championships
12x Nebraska State Champion
2x World Top Ten Finalist
2x Nebraska Cornhusker State Games Gold Medalist
Region 105 - Regional Appreciation Award - 2018

Miss Alyssa Cochnar
5th Degree Black Belt
Nationally Certified Instructor
Protech Certified Instructor
National Tournament Judge
Legacy Team Member
Team Velocity Demonstration Team Instructor/Choreographer
Chief Instructor, Gold Star Martial Arts - Seward
Bachelor of Arts Degree in Business Administration, Doane University
ATA Leadership
ATA Legacy
ATA Tai Chi
Combat Weapons Sparring
Gum Do Weapon Level 1 & 2
Mid-range & Long-range Jahng Bong Weapon
Single & Double Bahng Mahng Ee Weapon
Single & Double Ssahng Jeol Bong Weapon
Ssahng Nat Weapons
Vinaysa Yoga
Achievements & Awards:
2013 3X World Champion
2014 World Champion
52x World Top Ten Finalist
-4 Gold Medals
-1 Silver Medal
-10 Bronze Medals
36x Great Plains District Champion
88x Nebraska State Champion
2011 ATA Demo Team Finalist (Team Captain)
Crete ATA Athlete of the Year
Crete ATA Student Workhorse Award
Crete ATA Instructor Excellence Award
Crete ATA Highest Attendance Award
Region 105 Black Belt of the Year - 2014
2016 Gold Star Award of Excellence
2013 Demo Reel link: https://youtu.be/zfXKWbDaSt0
2014 DoaneLine Interview link: https://youtu.be/jN1wSJlVGfA
Hobbies: running, archery, & hunting
Fun Fact: I have run a 5 mile race in Hawaii and a 6 mile race in New Jersey where I road a train out to the stating location & ran back along the shore.

Mrs. Suzy Cochnar
3rd Degree Black Belt
Nationally Certified Instructor
Program Director, Gold Star Martial Arts
ATA Tai Chi
ATA Tigers
ATA's Bully Prevention Program
Oh Sung Do Weapon
Safety N.E.T. (No Easy Target) Kids
School Safety/Healthy Children
Sexual Harassment & Rape Prevention
Single Bahng Mahng Ee Weapon
Single Ssahng Jeol Bong Weapon
Hobby: doing some sort of crafts
Fun Fact: I taught art in Lincoln for 19 years.

Dr. Mark Meysenburg, Ph.D
4th Degree Black Belt
Nationally Certified Instructor
National Tournament Judge
Legacy Team Member
ATA Legacy
Combat Weapons Sparring
Double Combat Weapons Sparring
Gum Do Weapon Level 1
Oh Sung Do Weapon
Single Bahng Mahng Ee Weapon
Ssahng Nat Weapons
Achievements & Awards:
1x World Top Ten Finalist
7x Nebraska State Champion
2x Crete ATA Student Workhorse Award
3x Crete ATA Instructor Excellence Award
2016 Gold Star Award of Excellence
Hobby: watching bad movies
Fun Fact: I have flown faster than the speed of sound.

Miss Valerie Cochnar
4th Degree Black Belt
Nationally Certified Instructor
National Tournament Judge
Graphic Designer Consultant, Gold Star Martial Arts
Bachelor of Arts Degree in Art, Doane University
Long-range Jahng Bong Weapon
Single Bahng Mahng Ee Weapon
Achievements & Awards:
6x World Top Ten Finalist
13x Nebraska State Champion
2011 ATA Demo Team Finalist
Crete ATA Instructor Excellence Award
Fun Fact: I started my own business in 2020. Uneta Boutique offers women's clothing, jewelry, & accessories. I also offer graphic design services and can make custom printed apparel for customers.

Mr. Nathan Cochnar
3rd Degree Black Belt
Trainee Instructor
Legacy Team Member
Team Velocity Member
Gum Do Weapon Level 1
Achievements & Awards:
17x Nebraska State Champion
2011 ATA Demo Team Finalist
Hobbies: hunting, fishing, & playing video games
Fun Fact: I play basketball at Doane University.

Martial Arts (4 Years & Up)

Our martial arts classes are for ages 4 and above. This program has three levels: Beginner, Intermediate, and Advanced. Students in Beginner Level take two 35 minute Traditional classes each week. These structured classes allow students to learn basic martial arts moves while reinforcing respect, courtesy, discipline, perseverance, and following directions, all in a positive environment.
Family Martial Arts

Our classes are not just for children, but can also be taken as family classes, where the parent trains alongside the child. We encourage this, for "The family that kicks together, sticks together!" It is awesome to see families working out together!
Martial Arts for Teens/Adults

Martial Arts for Teens/Adults is for ages 13 and up. Adult class is a great time for mom or dad to get a chance to do something for themselves. It is never too late to try martial arts and this class is for all belt ranks. Everyone has had a first class before and is very encouraging.
Leadership Training

Gold Star Martial Arts offers Advanced Leadership Training including Hyper Martial Arts Athlete Training and ATA Xtreme Athlete Training, which includs Team and Individual Performance Martial Arts. Our leadership program develops leaders through public performances, public speaking skills, and life skills within their community.
The American Taekwondo Association's Masters Council has developed a unique and intensive, cutting-edge instructor training program to insure all ATA instructors are skilled and professional teachers. Before becoming certified, ATA black belts spend two to three years as instructor trainees, during which time they are required to teach at least 300 hours under the supervision of a senior instructor. They are also required to earn certification in CPR and youth protection and attend instructor camps.
Our Instructors have spent many years devoted to training in the art of Songahm Taekwondo and have attained a certain level of expertise to qualify them as teachers and also mentors.
Through extensive testing, certification and tournament level competition, our staff has attained many of their own personal goals in Songahm Taekwondo, and now enjoy sharing their skill and passing it on to their students.