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Safety Guidelines & Procedures

Classes are 35 minutes long, with 5 minutes in between for disinfecting. The workout floor has individual workout stations, each with its own Wavemaster XXL workout bag. Students training in person will be assigned a specific bag in a specific class. Students should NOT walk through another’s workout area!


We will now be allowing limited parent seating, but on a sign up basis. Each class will be limited to: 2 parents in Seward and 3 parents in Crete. We will be sending out a signup sheet. Parents of very young children can still help to get their child checked in for class, but are then asked to wait outside if it is not their day to watch class. 


We will also have the following procedures in place:

1) Covid Safety Guidelines:

  • For the safety of our students, staff, and instructors, please make sure you are healthy before class…

    • Do I have a cough, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing?

    • Do I have ANY of these symptoms:

      • Fever of 100.4 or greater in the last 72 hours 

      • Chills or Repeated shaking with chills

      • Muscle pain, Headache, Sore throat

      • New loss of taste or smell

    • Have I had contact with any persons with known COVID-19 or close contact with anyone under observation for COVID-19 in the last 14 days?

    • Am I under any type of recommended or mandatory quarantine by my physician or public health?

  • If the answer to ANY of these questions is YES, for your safety and the safety of our students, staff, and instructors, we need you to train from home for the duration of the quarantine period.

  • All individuals must follow physical distancing guidelines.


2) MASKS are required at all times inside the Gold Star Martial Arts building, by everyone (students, staff, instructors, and parents). We do have black, gray, and white GSMA masks for $6 if needed; in YS, YL, and Adult Sizes. We have life-skill, black, and blue & red Tiger character ATA masks for $6 as well.


3) Each person who enters the academy will stop at the wellness check-in station just inside the door to have temperature taken. Any person whose temperature is 100.4 or higher will be asked to leave due to Covid-19 precautions.


4) Students are required to use hand sanitizer when entering the building and after class. We have hand sanitizer available to use at the academy.


5) Students will come dressed in uniform. Uniforms should be laundered after every in-person class. 


6) Students need to use the restroom before they come to the academy. 


7) Shoes will be taken off at check-in, and should be placed neatly against the wall. Feet should be clean before coming to class.


8) Wipe down/disinfect your gear and weapons once you get home after each class.


9) Students will not be allowed into the academy early, and will not be allowed to stay after class. Please plan accordingly so that your child is not waiting outside to be picked up.


10) Please do not congregate outside the building. Be respectful of other parents and practice physical distancing.


12) These and other procedures can and will be adjusted to comply with local and federal guidelines. Our main priority is the safety of you and our staff and instructors!


Every class will begin with students wearing their handpads and footpads. Please practice at home so students are able to put them on quickly.


Students will not have physical contact with each other (no sparring, no partner drills, etc.). Students will remain in their workout station for the duration of their class. Please discuss these procedures with your child and review as necessary!


If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Suzy Cochnar at Thank you for your understanding as we move forward!            Alyssa, Jack, and Suzy Cochnar

2755 Jamie Lane, Lincoln, NE 68516

142 West 13th Street Crete, NE 68333

33 Main Street Seward, NE 68434

© 2022 by Gold Star ATA Martial Arts

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